Friday, 22 January 2010

teeth xray rendering:

1 comment:

  1. Interim Online Review 16/02/2010


    Your creative development blog constitutes a formally assessed part of your submissions; thus far, you have produced no evidence of any work for Unit 3 (the Maya tutorials except) and none for Unit 4. Indeed, throughout your time with us, your engagement with this element of the course - and with the course more generally - has been sporadic at best. Let me be very clear with you; if you don't contribute to or participate in this component, I cannot pass your Unit 4 submission. If, as if the case right now, you do not produce any work as requested, this will be recorded by me as a non-submission.

    I would like you to arrange a time to see me so that we can discuss your progress on the course so far. I am unconvinced by your creative and academic engagement with your studies and seriously question your suitability for our degree programme.

    Please come and see me before Monday's film. I will be in the baseroom office.

    My hope is that you are completing the work required of you; for your information and guidance please see the following 2 comments re. the written assignment.
